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I felt like I should draw one of the protagonists, so here's Violet! She must be planning something...

In another timeline, the Blackstorm Empire reigns supreme after my sorely underprepared Rover receives yet another clobbering in the halls of the prison fortress. I attempt to appease Lord Xiomar with a painting in his image, so that I might not be the next in line.

I ended up taking a more spooky spin on his canon design, but I hope you still like it, regardless!


Please delete Greenwood Forest   :pleading_face:

I really loved this prototype. Do you plan on making a new valver heroes game anytime soon?

(1 edit)

Hello I played through this Prototype to the end, you did a really good job with this. The characters are funny and likeable a lot, including the summon lion guy and the NPCs in towns. I like your ideas for the mapping.

Some ideas for improvements would be to try and expand your maps a bit. They're good for narrow created maps but they can be expanded to look more beautiful, you structured stuff well on them all but if they were expanded then they could have a bit more detail.

For example, you could put a small river or pound or statue at the centre of one of the towns if it expands a bit, then there is room to add some grass and flowers, etc.

For a dungeon map well you can expand them to add more areas to explore so one map has a right and left option and one of those could have a up down and right/left option, don't do too much with that but adding some optional areas to explore with bonus rewards on worldmaps, dungeon maps and town maps can be fun.

You did a good job with that already on town maps by hiding things on them, but yes just expanding stuff could be good. I liked the combat as it was, although the skillsets are all very basic stuff. Perhaps complex them a bit more and give the skills more advantages and disadvantages, I really felt because the game has custom classes where you can customise who is in your party it would work better with TP mode as well, especially for York I think his name was, the warrior gladiator guy.

 Your ideas for this fantasy world you are creating are great, you've done a really good job with that! I read the books from the club in that weapon shop and it does all seem like it's a successful story based on these characters an those ideas already.

What I felt was missing for a fantasy world mixing lots of stuff together was perhaps haunted. Like an area for ghosts and stuff like that perhaps? You don't have to do that if you don't want too, since you've got plenty going on for a full length RPG but I thought I'd point it out since you have faeries, witches, gladiators, animal/human creatures, elves, merfolks as you called them, etc and you may want to include ghosts or something else haunted in that too.

I also wanted to say on combat again I didn't mind the weaker characters, Petunia I think her name was and Grace getting KO because they recovered at the end of battle so I said ok that's how that works then try and keep them alive but being able to defeat the troops after they are KO'd is great balancing. I'd say the balance for the most part is good. 

he characters do really stand out to me as colourful and likeable and memorable even after playing the prototype game. Last thing I can think of for now is the random encounter rate. Sometimes I felt it was a good rate but especially nearer the end of the game I didn't like it. It became too high at points and perhaps even throughout could be lowered a little bit, even though I didn't mind it most of the game.

And I think the final test was a bit annoying because I had to keep guessing right which amulets to wear to resist the elemental attacks for each crystal, that was a bit of a pain so being given better tips and hints would've helped there, I know it was clearly said at some point in the game which element goes against which but I just forgot at that point and had no idea.

Sometimes I think I got it right while other times I'm not sure. Final boss though was also difficult when his HP lowers. It took a lot more effort then I think it should to beat him, although the other two were more balanced and easier to deal with and that's good.

I wish you the best of luck where you take this next, it was very enjoyable overall expect the few things mentioned above and I can definitely see a fuller game having high potential of being fun and successful. : )

Hello sorry that what I wrote was without spacing, I've added paragraphs to each section now to make it easier to read. I hope the feedback can help you. Looking forward to see what you choose to do next and where you go with this! : )


Gave it a go!, i like it!!! I love the ideas and where u r coming from in this game. like all protypes, i expected bugs and imperfections, I love the world interactions with York and the comedy overall. here you can view my playthrough for yourself. Commentary didnt record good because i forgot to turn main game volume down..but at the end of the video i left a clear commentary. Overall Excellent work.